Boys Will be girls 2

Credit: by Androgyne

In this chapter and any future chapters all transsexuals, transvestites,
and shemales/lady-boys are referred to as she and her.

So the Carmine name opened doors and instead of waiting for an opening I
had an appointment with Dr Avram Fine that morning at 10 AM. I arrived 15
minutes early to scout out his practice and I found myself on Cameron
Street the home of pretty much nothing but medical offices. They covered
everything from cardiologists to sports injury specialists and on to gastro
consultants. Dr Fine 's place was muted and gave no real clue as to what
his line of work was. A dark and heavy hardwood door bore a brass plate
that read.

           "Dr Avram Fine By Appointment Only. "

  The door was open and behind it was a second door of wood with glass
panels. I pushed through it and it swung shut behind me. Off to one side
was a fine antique desk with a receptionist seated there with phone,
intercom, and computer terminal. I crossed to her.

 "My name is Leslie Carmine and I have a 10 AM appointment with Dr Fine. "

A click of the mouse and my time was confirmed. She stood up to smile at

 "Please wait just a moment and I 'll tell Dr Fine you 're here. "

She was small breasted but with nice legs and I automatically ran the rule
over her as she strode to another heavy hardwood door. She rapped on the
door, stepped inside, and emerged again quickly.

 "Dr Fine will see you now Mr Carmine. Please come right in. "

She held open the door and closed it after me as I entered. Dr Fine was a
small man with steel framed spectacles on and he sported a perfectly
trimmed goatee beard. No jacket on he was wearing a short sleeved
dazzlingly white shirt and dark blue silk tie. That day I was wearing a
charcoal grey suit with a black shirt and another pair of my favourite
hand-made moccasins. As I crossed to him he rose to hold out his hand and
we shook hands. For a small man with a soft skinned palm his grip was
surprisingly powerful.

 "Please sit down Mr Carmine and I 'm assuming that you are a member of
"that " Carmine family. "

I settled into a comfortable seat to face him across his desk.

 "Well yes I guess it is "that " Carmine family. "

 "So Mr Carmine what can I help you with? "

 "I 'm told Dr Fine that you are the premier specialist in breast implants
and sex change surgery plus certain elements of cosmetic surgery. "

He tried not to look smug.

 "Well there are several other eminent men and women in my field but it 's
fair to say I am highly rated. "

 "What I want doctor is to look like not just an attractive woman but a
gorgeous and voluptuous woman; and I believe you 're the best choice to
accomplish it. "

 "Ah so you 're planning on embarking on a

 sex change then Mr Carmine? "

 "Not at all doctor; I said I wanted to LOOK like a gorgeous woman not be
one. I have no desire to have my penis and testicles removed and have you
construct me a false vagina. "

His face took on a smile of complete understanding.

 "Aha I understand completely Mr Carmine. You 're planning the "Lady-Boy "
route! "

 "Precisely Dr Fine and do please call me Leslie or Les. "

He rubbed his hands together and grinned right then.

 "So let me ask you a few questions Leslie. How old are you? "

 "I 'll be 17 in 3 days ' time Dr. "

 "I see! "

He draws out the "see " to make it much longer.

 "Is that a problem Dr Fine? "

 "Not per se exactly. The law here is a grey area. You are short of being
legally an adult but you are over the age of sexual consent. Have you had
any counselling over this decision? "

 "Certainly not Dr and this idea is entirely mine and mine alone. "

 "Well what do you know about the drug and hormone therapy you 'll be on
and what the surgery involves? "

 "I 've investigated as best I can online and I 've had personal contact
with a lady-boy who began therapy at 17 and who is now 28. She seemed well
endowed still, capable of an erection, and could ejaculate powerfully. She
said the former penis shrinkage and lack of libido can be very much
compensated for nowadays. Also her breasts were lovely and felt real "

He rubbed his hands together briskly.

 "Well I and a few of my better qualified colleagues certainly can do just
that. Along with the normal hormone treatment I can reinforce your
masculine elements or perhaps I should say protect them. Also you are NOT
looking for a total sex change so the treatment will be less prolonged. The
breast implant surgery is routine for me and my breast work looks
impressive and feels like any woman 's does. "

 "So you 'd be willing to do it? "

 "Of course I 'm willing to do it so long as you 're fit and healthy. You
seem a highly intelligent boy and likely know exactly what you 're doing. I
'd like you to undress and let me give you a quick physical once
over. There 's a screen over there and you 'll find a gown you can put
on. "

I found that quite amusing.

 "And at some time I may have to remove the gown so you can do a thorough
job? Dr I 've no hang ups about being seen naked so I 'll pass on the gown
thank you. "

So naked I got my B.P. checked along with my pulse. He rolled out a small
easily portable ECG machine and with me stretched out on a couch ran a
trace. A urine sample followed and he took blood to be dealt with later and
then had me stand up and circled me looking at me and occasionally prodding

 "In so far as I can see you 're as healthy as a young bloody
horse. Perfect BP and a nice slow and steady pulse and heartbeat are what
you have. The water sample was clear and I 'll bet my licence to practice
that your blood 's fine as well. Now as to the practicalities Les my boy. I
've seldom seen a boy more designed by nature to go the lady-boy route. You
have a perfect callipygian rear for starters. "

 "So explain that to me please Dr? "

 "It means you have round and nicely shaped buttocks so I won 't need to do
any work on them. Now you 're quite wide shouldered so you 'll be able to
carry easily large breasts. Since you said you wanted to be voluptuous I 'm
assuming you want large breasts? Yes? "

I actually had picture of a well-known erotic video model, a so called
"mature " or maybe a MILF who had exactly the breasts I wanted. I let Dr
Fine take a look.

 "These would be just my ideal Dr Fine. "

 "Ah! Large and pear shaped with big areolas, and very impressive
nipples. Yes I can design and fit them for you easily my boy. Now happily
you 're tall with long and quite shapely legs and thighs which will need no
work and I mean this as a complement; you 're not just a handsome or
good-looking boy you 're actually pretty. So that in itself rules out the
need for serious facial cosmetic surgery. A total sex change can be a long
road but yours will be nothing like that involved and the only surgery
needed will be to fit those implants and design the nipples and areolas.

I 'm sure you can look like what you want to look like fast enough to
satisfy you but it will not be cheap though as a Carmine family member I
've a feeling that money will not be a problem will it? Now before we go
any further do you have any questions? "

 "About my pubic hair? I prefer to be smooth not hairy "

  "Well the hormone treatment tends to make a boy or a man less hirsute and
actually with your complexion being quite fair you already have very little
body hair. If you have any future problems with excess pubic hair that you
don 't enjoy I can kill the follicles so nothing can grow again. Now please
wait while I bring you your basic medication. I 'll give you a week 's
supply and a three month prescription. You 'll need to go to a specialist
pharmacy because your chemist on the high street will not stock a fraction
of these. Try to NOT miss a day or even one dose and if you do slip up don
't take a double dose as some of these medications are strong. "

He was gone like a flash into the room he brought the ECG machine from and
returned a little later with two bags that he placed on his desk before
him. In his absence I took the opportunity to dress once more.

He taps the first bag.

 "Now these are the standard drugs and hormones you 'll need to take to
enhance an already, I 'm pleased to say, quite feminine appearance. This
bag is what I usually refer to as the "Shield " items that will protect
your masculine endowments. Or to put it simply to enable you to have strong
erections and ejaculate powerfully after your hormonal changes. Powerfully
that is Les if you can ejaculate powerfully now that is? "

 "I have no problems with doing that at present Dr Fine. "

 "Now settling on a course of drugs that keeps you capable of good
masculine sex while they don 't interfere with feminizing you were not easy
to work out but believe me Les they 've worked for several other patients
of mine perfectly. On your way out make an appointment with my receptionist
for twelve weeks ahead. That 'll leave you still with a week 's capsules
and tablets and if all is going well I 'll issue you with another three
month 's prescription then. If you seem to have any side effects to the
treatment call my practice and you can give me the symptoms over the phone
and I 'll decide which is the one that doesn 't suit you and find you a
substitute. "

So I shook hands with Dr Fine, made my future appointment, and made my way
back to my apartment on cloud nine. Once home I laid the bottles in my
bathroom medical cupboard and checked out the "Take one twice a day " and
"Two after meals etc. I tried checking for side effects on the enclosed
leaflets but when I saw things like, rare side effects, very rare side
effects, and unusual side effects, for every pill and capsule I gave up and
knocked back today 's dose deciding to wait and see.

So next up I rang Willow who was away at college studying of all things
accountancy at which she was proving an absolute wizard. She said she
missed me and I said I missed her and we both joked about us cheating on
each other. And that is a joke because neither of us minds if the other
gets laid when we 're not together. So I settled down to dosing myself each
day and with no signs of side effects. Maybe due to those hormones I shaved
less but then I never shaved much anyway before taking them. At 12 weeks I
returned to see Dr Fine who checked me out and declared all was well. He
decided to take more blood and rang me the next day to say things were
going fine.

I had of course another three months prescription and put them away like
someone eating salted peanuts with a pint. So after six months Fine called
me back again to his surgery. I wanted this and thought I was ready but
inside I trembled.

 "Well Leslie things have gone as good as they could; maybe better. How 's
your sex life been of late? "

 "Good as it ever has been Dr and if you mean by that can I get it up and
cum. "

  "That 's exactly what I mean young man. So if you 're ready I can
schedule surgery at my clinic for this Friday morning. "

Like I said I 'd wanted this since I knew about sex changes and implants
and boys who were girls but it still came as a shock. I tried to look calm
even if I wasn 't and said that would be great. So Friday morning found me
dropped off by a cab at Fine 's clinic. I was checked and double checked,
got into a gown, and given a calming pre-med. Wheeled into the theatre,
Fine, in scrubs, leant over me.

 "Relax Leslie and when you come round you 'll have the most glorious
breasts I can give you. "

I had a cannula in the back of my hand and while he was talking a nurse
must have slipped the anaesthetic into it and the world went away. I swam
up through the mists to find myself in an orthopaedic hospital bed propped
up on pillows. My chest felt funny and sore, more than sore it hurt a lot,
and sitting in a chair reading a paper was Dr Fine. I had a try at speaking
but my mouth and tongue were bone dry; from the anaesthetic it turned
out. Fine moved fast to pour me water from a stainless steel thermos jug
into a glass and put a bendy straw into it.

 "Sip slowly Leslie and you 'll be fine. So how do you feel? "

 "Sore very sore! "

 "I 'll fix that now so hang on. "

I still had the cannula in the back of my hand so Fine stuck a hypo into a
small glass vial and charged it.

 "A little morphine will soon fix it. You know the human body isn 't
designed to be cut into even by thin razor sharp scalpels. "

The hypo had gone into the cannula and I was getting the relief I needed.

 "How does that feel Leslie?

 "Better but still tender. "

  A tad more and my pain had gone right away.

 "And now? "

 "Absolutely good now. "

 "Excellent and Leslie the op went like a dream and let me show you this. "

He picked up a mirror in one hand and parted my gown with the other.

 "Now don 't worry because the bruising will fade fast and I flatter myself
that the scars are barely noticeable now and will be invisible soon. So
what do you think? Is this what you wanted? "

Reflected in the mirror I could see, despite bruising and some surgical
dressings, I was sporting the most amazing full breasts a lady-boy could
ever want. I grinned up at Fine.

 "They 're magnificent Dr and I thank you. How long will I be here? "

 "Well its Friday afternoon so let 's see how you are Monday morning say?
If things are still going well we might let you go home Tuesday
perhaps. Try to get some sleep and a nurse will be round to see to you in
about three hours. "

So with Fine gone, and the morphine working, I couldn 't resist touching
gauze dressings to feel a big rubbery nipple under my fingers. Smiling I
slipped into a deep sleep.

No more morphine needed though the nursing staff gave me tablets for the
later twinges of pain. When I got up to use the toilet it wasn 't pain that
gave me pause it was the need to rebalance myself with the weight of my
superb new breasts. I 'd need to adapt to them over time. Happily I 'm
young and soon I was adapting. Monday the dressings were changed for much
smaller lighter ones and Dr Fine called to check me out.

 "So how do you feel today Lesley? "

Now on the charts at the foot of my bed I was now "Ms Lesley Carmine " as I
requested and not "Mr Leslie Carmine " as was.

 "Pretty good if a tad tender doc so when do I get to go home? "

 "I think tomorrow will do Lesley. Just don 't go straight into the gym and
try lifting weights. Another week after this, which will be two weeks, and
you can get back to exercising lightly again. Les this is the best work I
think I 've ever done. Even for someone as fair skinned as you are the post
op bruising was minimal and the incision scars are fading already and soon
they 'll be to all intents and purposes invisible. I 'm making you a call
back appointment in one month just to review things but I think that 'll be
a formality.

Before he left I told him something I had planned and laid it out for
him. Fine arched his eyebrows at me and shook his head.

 "My but that 's very generous of you and under the same circumstances as
yours I 'll be happy to oblige! "

So back home in my apartment and on a Friday one of Dr Fine 's nurses had
just removed the last of the dressings. After she 'd gone I walked into the
main bedroom of the two and stood before the full length mirrors on the
built in wardrobe doors. I shrugged out of the dark blue silk robe which
was all I was wearing and for the first time since going "under the knife "
really examined myself.

Without any hubris or pride I looked as amazing as I 've always wanted to
be. The bruising had gone from my glorious new breasts and the thread fine
scars were fast fading into the invisibility that Avram Fine said they
would become. Tentatively I touched one large and slightly rough areola and
trembled at the sensation. Now I took a thick and rubbery nipple, a piece
of Avram 's mastery, between my forefinger and thumb to tweaked and teased
it. Amazingly, or perhaps not, I found the sensation exquisite. Fine had
warned me that my nipples may or might not be as sensitive as I wanted but
things felt wonderful and so I moved to cup and gently caress both my new

My cock stiffened and rose like a pale snake to stand rigid. It was
something over three weeks since I even masturbated never mind had sex and
I needed to cum right then. I slid back my foreskin to free my long ovate
helmet, tucked a finger under it and my thumb atop it, and gave myself a
much needed hand job. I watched my reflection as I panted softly while I
pumped away at my hard smooth penis; no slow teasing myself I just badly
needed to cum. My legs trembled slightly as that lovely heat rose and then
soared up my cock and the noise I made was a sort of strangled "Urrrr " as
I climaxed and spurted thick white cream all over my reflection in the

Standing there, my cock still seeping droplets of jizm, I really examined
my reflection. The therapy had obviously not altered my height which at
last check was approaching an even 6 feet. Maybe my hips were a tad rounder
and my ass a little fuller. My legs and thighs were as smooth and shapely
as ever they were. My face, always quite feminine, may be a little more so
than before the hormones but I always was a pretty boy. I 'm still
entranced by these magnificent and seemingly hyper sensitive breasts. For
the first time it struck me that I was now exactly what I 'd wanted to be
since aged 9; in appearance a gorgeous young woman but with a healthy and
hearty, and fully functional cock.

I bowed in acknowledgement of Avram Fine 's amazing surgical skills.

Now fully satisfied with all my plans and ideas to date I moved onto the
next phase and called Willow 's cell phone. Yes she was home from her
course as she said she would be and yes our date at my apartment for Sunday
was on as well. I decided to look spectacular for my girlfriend and
unpacked some of the masses of fancy new ladies lingerie and clothing I 'd
bought. She was arriving Sunday just after noon and that was decided, in
not too many words between us, to give us all the time we needed to have
the extensive sex together we 've been missing so much. The last thing I
told Willow was that if she had any she should pop a "little blue pill "
before calling at my apartment.

Sunday morning I was as horny as hell waiting for the girl I 'd not seen
for her entire college term. I looked at but rejected a gorgeous black
basque on the grounds that it would take too long to get out of and hamper
fast love making. Instead I went for a royal blue deep-line bra and panties
set complete with matching suspender belt and seamed stockings. Over that
lot I had on a mainly transparent knee length blue robe. It had some sort
of a random pattern but I hadn 't been able to figure out just what it was.

While maybe Willow will have charged up on Viagra, or Cialis, or maybe
Levitra I 'm dosed on something supposedly better. This indeed came via the
clever Dr Fine. I was still on the full drug and hormone regime, now I 'm
tapering down on a minimal doses soon to end, and making a monthly visit to
Fine 's surgery.

 "So Les things still functioning well? "

 "If you mean is my cock still working then yes it is doctor. "

 "I ask because there are things I can give you to help nature along if the
tablets interfere. "

 "What like Viagra or Cialis doctor? "

 "Or Levitra for that matter Les but I do have something better than
those. Follow me. "

So we went out back of his surgery to where he kept his pharmaceuticals. He
brought out from a store cupboard not a pill bottle but something that
looked very like a cigarette box made of a dark wood.

 "As I 've told you Les there are new drugs and variations on the hormones
coming out all the time from research labs. Now I happen to know a
brilliant young chemist who is doing cutting edge research for a well-known
firm and she came up with these though they are certainly not what she
works on for the company. "

So Avram flipped open the box and it was filled with small pills. Now
Viagra tablets are blue diamonds, Cialis are yellow and sort of egg shaped,
Levitra are round like most say painkillers and to me look a sort of milky
coffee colour. These pills were a dark green/brown and were round like a
tiny ball.

 "She calls them "Brownies " Les and I 've sampled them and the results are
remarkable. Happily too they are compatible with your current drug
regime. Here I 'll give you say a dozen and you can sample one if you think
you need one. If you want more I 'm sure Sandra will be happy to supply you
with an order. They 're pricey but worth it! "

So a little earlier I washed down one with a sip of water and right about
now I was getting stirrings. Though whether from the pill or Willow 's
arrival I 'd wait and see. So now, excited, I buzzed Willow into the foyer,
she rode the lift up to my fourth and top floor, and I heard the rap on my
door. I opened up, waved her in, and locked up behind her. When we faced
each other Willow 's eyes went wide and her mouth formed an "Oh " shape.

 "Oh my God Red it 's done! I mean you said you were expecting the surgery
but you never said you 'd had it done. "

 "I decided to surprise you baby. "

 "Holy fuck you look amazing, those breasts, can I touch them? "

 "Well I was hoping you 'd do a lot of touching them today baby! "

Willow tugged loose the sash of my robe to push it back onto my shoulders
and gazed at my white globes that strained my bra. Next she slipped down
the shoulder straps and then reached round behind to pop free my bra 's
hooks. As my bra came free my breasts dropped a fraction and made a small
bounce; not a droop or sag just a nice jounce. Willow 's fingers stroked
first my big areolas and then she was drawn to my rubbery and impressive

 "Fuck these are amazing! Nobody would ever know you weren 't born with
tits and nipples like these! "

My cock was hot and hard and aching for release so I abandoned coolness to
kiss Willow hot and hard and with a lot of tongue.

 "Let 's not waste time Willow there 's a bed waiting us! "

On the way to that bedroom, not mine but the guest bedroom, my robe slipped
off as, holding Willow 's hand, I towed her along. The bed was turned down
with a pale yellow base sheet and the rest of the bedding folded right
back. Impatiently I actually stripped Willow off quite roughly though she
wasn 't complaining. Her trouser suit got tossed aside and her blouse soon
followed suit. I unhooked her padded bra and pulled off her panties and
then pushed her back onto the bed. Looking down I could see how hard her
curved cock was. Looking at the bulge in my fancy panties I reckoned I 'd
lost nothing with the hormone doses.

I wriggled out of my panties and my erect cock sprang free. I was right and
thought for sure my cock seemed the equal of my girlfriend 's right then.

 "Shouldn 't you take off those stockings Red? If we get going hard they
'll never be the same again. "

 "Fuck the stockings baby I bought six pairs! "

Then I truly dived onto the bed and atop Willow. Our rigid cocks grinding
against each other 's, my big breasts resting on her chest, her hands
clamped on my round ass as we kissed like maniacs. You 'd think neither of
us had got off for a year! After us rolling around and panting for a while
I pinned Willow, using my extra weight, and wriggled down to the junction
of her thighs. Raising my face I grinned up at a dishevelled Willow.

 "Let 's find out if my blow jobs have improved baby? "

I slid back her foreskin and saw her helmet was bloated and purple while
the rest of her cock was hard and with veins standing out on its
barrel. Willow moaned with relief as I took her cock into my mouth to swirl
warm saliva around it. I gave her my very best and I worked at doing it
slow. I varied every pleasure I could give her from slow and steady swoops
of my lips to clasping my lips just below her helmet while my tongue slid
over that helmet. My tongue tip flickered and probed her folded back
foreskin and I licked and sucked on her taut ball sack. I 'm a fine judge
of when a partner 's hung there long enough and Willow was sucking in gulps
of air, holding air in, and then letting it out in a shuddering gasp. She
was ready for sure!

Lips locked tightly in place I went faster and faster till her body arched
up and hot creamy jizm was spurting into my mouth. Willow writhed and
shuddered on and on until I 'd sucked her dry of any more jizm. She slumped
limply onto the mattress with a deep groan. After a while she could sort of
talk sense again.

 "Jesus fucking Christ Red darling I think you just graduated! I 'm not
saying you 're better than me now but you 're as good. "

I snaked my way up her body, on the way rubbing against a still rigid cock,
oh yeah she 's popped a pill of some kind! I kissed her with jizm flavoured

 "So from bachelor of blow jobs to master of head? I 'll take that any
day. "

Willow wrapped her arms and legs around me and returned my kiss.

 "Well you 'll do till I can find someone better! Now I figure you need
some especially hot sex Red so name your poison! "

It was the way she said it. Not "Well " but "Weeeell " that had us giggling
like we were back several years and still kids.

 "Willow do you remember the day we first met? The first time you fucked me
you fucked me from the front. "

 "Yeah I wanted to watch your face as we were doing it. "

 "Well now I 'm newly equipped so to speak I need to do you from the
front. "

 "Front or back just do it baby! "

So from a bedside cabinet I snaffled a bottle of my old stand by lubricant
"Liquid Ivory " and slicked up my cock first and next Willow 's rosy
red/brown pucker. We were in the exact same position as that first time
Willow ever fucked me. Her knees on her shoulders and her heels resting on
my shoulders as I eased my straight slick cock between Willow 's buttocks
to first probe her pucker and then thrust smoothly into her lovely tight
ass. We both moaned with delight at the same time. As my hips pumped
rhythmically my bloated helmet ground against the raised ridges inside her

The palms of my hands were flat on the mattress taking my weight and as I
drove deep my big new nipples rasped against Willow 's chest so my cock
throbbed and burnt while my nipples tingled hotly. The heat behind my balls
was moving into the taut sack that holds them and then to the base of my
cock; as I thrust deep and hard into her. Willow 's cock, still rigid, was
curved back and resting on her belly. I felt the screaming heat of a
mammoth orgasm and I erupted pumping my jizm into Willow like a hose as I
gasped and moaned in ecstasy. My head spun and my heart pounded as I
emptied myself if only for the time being.

Despite the warm glow that made me want just not to move I eased back out
of Willow to find that the warm glow was also a fine sheen of sweat on my
body. Willow shared the heat and perspiration after such athletic sex but
now she giggled softly.

 "When we were kids having sex for the first time I said I 'd call you
"Stallion " well nothing much has changed. You still fuck like a wild
horse. "

I was still up and hard and so too was Willow so why stop now?

 "Well I 'm not done yet baby; how about you? "

 "Nowhere near yet Red! "

So soon were in a 69er with Willow atop since she 's smaller and a tad more
agile than I am. My hands were clasping her rounded ass and that curved
cock was deep in my mouth. Her head bowed down to suck on my rampant cock
and bobbed smoothly up and down as I worked away at getting my first
boy/girlfriend off. Occasionally I left off sucking or licking to use my
tongue on Willow 's pucker and that had her wriggling like a worm. Then it
was back to the serious business of a dual blow job. I realise a totally
simultaneous orgasm is hard to arrange but Willow and I have been fucking
since we were kids and we can each judge when things are close.

With us both easing off to suit the other we got very, very, close, to
cumming exactly together. Willow 's ass shimmied and she bucked and I was
gulping her jizm and just seconds later my hips bucked up too. I came hard
and my girl swallowed as I fired my wads of cum into her mouth. By the time
we 'd sucked each other dry, and Willow had rolled off me, I was thinking I
'd still got the inclination and we 'd got still a lot of the day.

So we lay there talking and kissing but clearly something isn 't going away
and that was our erections. My "Brownie " pill was working fine and so too
was whatever Willow took. Willow prompted things next.

 "So do you want to go again? "

 "You know I do and any way you like baby. "

Willow has a wicked grin sometimes; hell most of the time just like then.

 "Remember that time in the tent, that time we went camping with all those
other kids and the adults supervising us? "

 "Fuck yeah talk about no privacy and no fun. "

 "Well remember that quickie we had while the camp site manager was right
outside our tent? "

 "Oh yeah we came fast and we came quiet; so you fancy that again? "

 "We haven 't done it for ages and I want you on top. "

So I manoeuvred myself atop of Willow.  My rigid cock pressed down on hers
and first we ground cocks until we wrapped our fingers around our two cocks
to jerk ourselves off together. God I was still rock hard as was Willow and
only after a while could I feel myself getting ready to orgasm yet
again. However the wait was worth it as I groaned with relief while I came
hard again; as did the panting Willow. With three cums close together
neither of us produced much jizm this time. Just a bead or a small trickle
was all that appeared.

Now a boy or a man 's testicles produce semen, or jizm, or maybe cum or
sponk, but a boy or a man can and will run dry after frequent orgasms close
together. Well Willow and I were running dry but not running out of the
inclination to keep on fucking. Willow was wrapping herself around me and
was gagging for more. So powered by my "Brownie " I decided to try to
oblige her. She wanted me to fuck her from behind this time.

So I lubed up, as did Willow, and with her on all fours I eased into her
and fucked her with my still stiff cock. It seemed like I held her hips and
thrust in and out for a long time before I felt that old familiar
electrical sensation rising up my cock once more and now I couldn 't have
stopped to save both our lives. When I finally came it was explosive, but I
knew, even as I cried out in ecstasy, that I was dry and nothing was
leaving the slit in my helmet. No matter I had an amazingly hard and
prolonged orgasm before I pulled out of my girl and collapsed breathing

The technical term for a dry orgasm is "Anejaculation " and some so called
experts say they aren 't enjoyable. Well those experts know nothing because
mine was sensational. Even so nothing else would do but that Willow needed
to take a turn at fucking me next. Like me she wanted to do me from the
rear and, lubed up, she took me smoothly but hard up my ass. Her long
curved cock went in to fill me perfectly and each stroke showed me how much
I 'd been missing my number one girl. Like me she ploughed away for a long
time before she approached a finish and then climaxed. As she did Willow
actually howled out aloud like a fucking wolf.

Like me she came, as far as I could feel, as dry as I had. However she also
came as hard and as long as I had. Even still chemically hard I figured we
both needed a break and this was the perfect time for my surprise for
Willow. So I fetched us a drink each. Mine my usual chilled glass of rose
wine, and hers, a Bacardi on the rocks, seemed to go down well. And back in
bed and under a light quilt I sprang my twin surprises on her. From the
same cabinet where I kept the lube I pulled out a small padded "Jiffy Bag "
to hand to her.

 "Here 's a surprise for you baby. "

She hugged me hard.

 "Ooohhh I love surprises. What is it? "

 "Open it and find out. "

When she popped it open an I.D. badge slid out.

 "Jamie Azaria a "Carmine Corps " employee? Since when and what as Red and
how did you swing this? "

 "Willow I 'm close now to 18 and I 've been making big money for "Carmine
Corps " for two years now so my suggestions carry weight. You 'll be
working in the audit department and training under Josh Bennett. Now before
you start saying you don 't want to be parachuted into a job I wouldn 't
take you on if you weren 't up to it. I spoke to that guy at your college,
Dr Malik his name is, and he is your tutor?  Anyway he said he 's never
seen anyone who can spot irregularities in a balance sheet like you
can. Apparently he gave you and your class some real court cases involving
serious criminal accountancy and embezzlement and you spotted them before
anyone else in your class. You even spotted one that nobody else in your
class did. You 've gotten this job on merit or maybe future merit? Oh and
my old "Carmine Corps " city centre apartment goes to you as part of the

So I got hugged and kissed some more but I wasn 't done.

 "Oh and Willow baby there 's more! "

So I handed her an envelope; an expensive piece of top quality stationery
to open. Out of it came just a single piece of paper.

 "What 's this Red baby? It 's a doctor 's appointment for me for 9.30 on
Monday morning. "

 "Yeah it is baby and it 's with Dr Fine the guy who did my work and he 'll
be doing the same work on you so you get the body you always wanted like I
've got for myself. "

So Willow went loopy with delight and was all over me and despite us both
firing dry yeah we fucked each other again and dry or not we had another
amazing orgasm each. Hell we had more that evening even though our pills
had worn off. And next morning, at 9.25 precisely, I was walking a dazed
and happy Willow into Dr Fine 's premises.